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Cartography - Science, Art and Technique, Part II

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This article is a continuation of the Cartography - Science, Art and Technique article. Here we will show and classify once again about this symbiosis and the importance we should give it.

It is true that there are films from different areas, from culture to sport, including architecture and science. But films dedicated to this art are not known, why don't we work hard to make our science more valued and known and have, for example, films that strictly address cartography?

It is known that maps have been used since the time of the great navigations, there is even Biblical Cartography describing displacements to spread the gospel, therefore, this type of production that we see in this type of writings is considered a map.

It is considered a map from the tourist ones in physical format, the digital ones like what we have on our phones as applications, to mention Google Maps, Apple Maps and others as well as physical maps that are posted on the walls of offices and classrooms.

Mapa de Angola, Angola - Divisão Política Administrativa

Menezes (in Roadmap of Cartography), says that we can consider a map a physical map, a globe, I would add here a Location Sketch or a product in digital media as mentioned above.

It is through maps where we can make a decision based on location even if it is a mind map (literally).

Looking at the map above, you can already have a perception of the largest provinces of Angola and then decide on how their development should be, analyze the infrastructure in them, border regions, etc.

It would be essential if, with the implementation of the PIIM (Integrated Program for Intervention in the Municipalities), its survey data were integrated and thus we have a cartographic base of the results of this program, so we would kill two elements in a single project (the execution of the projects and the base cartographic itself generated by it) through the topographic surveys that must be required from the designers and construction company with subsequent processing by a specialized team, so we would already have a Geographic Information System of the Infrastructures of this project and be analyzed and visualized as in the map below.

Infraestruturas de dados espaciais em Angola, SIG em Angola, Base de dados do CISP

Therefore, the maps can be used in the police, in the Health and Education delegations in all ministries and in different formats. Working them on a GIS basis, they take greater advantage.

Adapted from the Geominuto project. Assistir vídeo deste tema

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By: Rosário Dilo


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